About Hatbox
Haberdashery: [hab-er-dash-uh-ree] (noun): A specialty-clothing store focused on accessory items such as hats, gloves and scarves.
Although a haberdashery originally meant an all-purpose accessory and notions store it came to be associated in America almost exclusively with hats. In the heyday of hats the haberdashery was often seen as a serious place with rows and rows of identical hats lined up as identical soldiers of conformity. These days hats have come to represent the opposite of blind conformity- they represent a confident style and a dashing personality. It is with this spirit that Hatbox has created the MODERN Haberdashery, a place that still honors the knowledge and art of the traditional haberdashery while knowing that a contemporary hat wearing public needs a friendly, helpful, and exciting introduction to the world of head wear. From our custom styles to our expert fittings we work with our customers to find the perfect hat with the perfect fit that is entirely unique to each customer.
From Art to Hats: The long journey of Vertigo, Inc.
Hatbox began in the Montrose District of Houston in 1974. Originally Vertigo Inc., the store began as an innovative gift and art retailer in the heart of Houston's Museum district. After 8 years of rapid growth, founder, Lauri Turner, moved the store to Austin and the long road to haberdashery began. For the next 20 years Vertigo went from gift retailer, to custom clothier, to accessory specialty and now, modern haberdashery.
Turner knew after bringing in the very first hat style that there was something different to this product. There is a mystique to hats that captivates the wearer and hats begat hats. The more styles the shop carried, the greater the demand grew and the more customers sought answers to their long-held hat queries. Suddenly Vertigo was seeking out retired hatters far and wide to learn the Way of the Brim. Soon there was little time (or space) in the store for anything not hat related and locals had begun referring to it as "The Hat Store". The next 10 years saw an evolution as Vertigo, Inc. became first, Vertigo Hats: Austin's Hat Headquarters and eventually Hatbox: A Modern Haberdashery.
Our little hat shop is all grown up now and features the best the hat world has to offer. Our haberdashers are extensively trained in hat history and fit, and each is dedicated to advancing the art of hat-wearing. The passion for knowledge and innovation that first led us to hats keeps our selection fresh and exciting and our quality timeless. Whether you're looking for the perfect pork pie to complete your collection or just starting out with your first fedora, Hatbox is your hat resource.
Our Store
Welcome to Austin’s Premier and Only Garadashery! We serve customers online at store.hatbox.com (for our top selling products only) and by appointment only, limited to 4 appointments per day (and 4 guests per appointment) presently.